Thursday, April 16, 2020

Get Your Burn On! Interval Training at ProFormance in Louisville

After graduating from West Point in 1988, Col. Reese Turner joined the Army. During his 30 years of service, Col. Reese Turner performed a wide range of duties on several bases in the United States and abroad. After retiring in 2018, he joined the team at ProFormance, a health and well-being company that is leading the fitness craze in Louisville with a variety of intense workouts.

When it comes to fitness, one misconception is that cardio training is the most effective way to lose weight and burn calories. Studies show that while all exercise burns calories and fat, the more intense the exercise, the higher the oxygen consumption, and thus the more calories and fat burned. At Boots2Lead a number of high intensity interval training classes are offered (HIIT). Depending on your fitness level, HIIT bursts are relatively short, from 30 to 90 seconds, but should push one almost to the limit. However, HIIT isn’t simply a matter of pushing oneself to exhaustion while working out. Rest is crucial as it conditions the heart while alternating between the high-intensity bursts of energy and the low-intensity resting intervals.

In addition to HIIT, Boots2Lead also offers muscle strength and endurance training, high-intensity resistance training, and nutrition and health guidance. Participants are paired with fellow trainees for inspiration, motivation, and accountability. Further information is available from the program’s website at