Friday, June 29, 2018

MOAA Military Spouse Program Earns Prestigious Award

The recipient of a bachelor's degree in engineering management from West Point and a master's degree in strategic studies from the U.S. Army War College, Col. Reese Turner is an experienced United States Army officer who serves as executive director at Fort Knox and strategic advisor to the director of enlisted assignments for the Operations Support Division. Supplementing his experience, Col. Reese Turner holds a lifetime membership with the Military Officers Association of American (MOAA).

The MOAA has been working diligently to improve employment opportunities for spouses of military members over the past few years, and its flagship MOAA Military Spouse Professional Development program was recognized in that regard. The program recently earned the prestigious "Power of A" Silver Award from the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) for its "Keeping a Career on the Move" symposia series and social media platform, both of which focus on the career transition of spouses of service members. The honor comes six years after the MOAA Career Transition program earned ASAE's highest national honor, the ASAE Summit Award.

The "Keeping a Career on the Move" initiative was launched following a 2014 study commissioned with the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University that found there was a 20 percent unemployment rate among military spouses who wanted to work. The study also uncovered an underemployment rate of more than 90 percent given the spouses' experience and education. The symposia series has been able to expand and offer one-day seminars throughout the United States and overseas thanks to funding support from USAA and a collaboration with the Hiring Our Heroes program founded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.